
My ThingsTo Smile About

So this is my new goal, to find things each day that made me smile. Some days it might be 2 things, but I promise to keep it to no more than ten lol

1) The new sub choir teacher (for the rest of the year!!) at SG'school. We're hoping this sub turns into the new permanent teacher because the one she has now... well. SG has no problem with an 85% in that class. Her current teacher doesn't even play piano & All music is generated via cd player. They only sing one day or so a wk & the rest of the time they get to do homework or watch movies! New one... 27 yrs experience, trained in opera, plays several instruments, etc. Whether he gets to stay or not, it was so wonderful to hear her singing again tonight!!
2) 5 am. Yes, I said 5 am. That is the time of day that my house is nearly silent. I get to take my shower in peace without a two year old stalking me, I get to read my book, etc. The little things that I don't have time to do throughout the day with three kiddos.

3) My Hurricane. Today, he decided he really wanted to help with my daily chores. He loves throwing clothes into the washer then into the dryer and tries to help with the dishwasher. Give that kid a broom and he'll go to town. I'm not saying he really sweeps anything up but still, he's two and he tries and it brings a little sparkle to my heart!

4) Tuesdays... Tuesdays are the nights when dh & I have decided is going to be our movie night. All the kids to be on-time and then just snuggle up & watch a movie. Tonight's show will be The Blind Side!!

5) The weather. There really is nothing better than a good kick butt snowstorm but... today's rain and the smell of the rain was a fabulous thing. I apologize to my friends in CO that are getting hammered with snow right now, but hey what can I do!! Tee hee hee

6) My mama. We always have the greatest conversations, and when I don't call her by 11 or so she always wonders if something has gone wrong. Today's snippets were nothing more than hilarious. I know she misses my dad horribly, which is why she always gets excited when I suggest that she come visit or that we might come up to visit her. Needless to say she's looking forward to a few days with SG over Easter very much so!!

7) Debates!! I love debating with other people, I really do. That is by far one of my fave things to do and there are many things to be well spirited about! My friends and I do this well each other which is why I love the people I feel close enough to to actually call friends!! We can spar and still love each other no matter what our opinions are about things!

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