Wow... I realized I'd gotten a little swept up in life when it donned on me it had been nearly a year since I last blogged on here. The last year has been a heck of a year that brought some GIANT changes to our little home & family. Let's see if I can quickly synopse them ha ha ha
Spring... found out we were expecting a new little one. We had left the "having any more" in God's hands and decided if it was meant to be it would happen. Apparently it was meant to be lol Everyone was over the moon excited for us, especially my dad. He's never wanted to know what any of our kids were but was always spot on when it came to guessing!! The rest of the year I was blessed with an amazing pregnancy!!
Summer... Summer was a roller coaster for all of us. June - tons of summer activities & tons of time spent with family. July - Amazing mini vacay & family reunion. Dad attempted a dose of chemo on 7-24. Made him so violently ill he said to hell with it. 7-27 began a stint of 69 days off for my honey (will blog about why) On 8-1 we were told dad had appx 2 weeks left. We spent all but 3 of the next 17 days at mom & dad's house. He promised to make it to Sugar Glider's 13th birthday and he did. Cancer won the war on 8-14, 2 weeks later. Will blog more about the big C later on.
Fall... We all tried to move on. Mom poured her heart and soul into teaching to try to get over the pain. My brother, Stinky, poured his heart and soul into work and working on his house and with my 4 legged nieces and nephews to try and get over the pain. I went into mommy mode to try and get over the pain. Sugar Glider poured her heart and soul into academics and sports to try and get over the pain. Our little hurricane, however, still carries grandpa's picture around with him. He talks to him, plays farm with him, reads with him. Thanksgiving was rough, but we had mom & Stinky down for the weekend and that seemed to ease the pain a little bit. We had a great, yet bittersweet time at the Broncos game we went too. I'll blog about that in a bit too lol.
Winter... Winter was chaotic. Trying to get ready for the new little one who was due on 01-11-10 lol Apparently he didn't like that date and didn't want to miss out on anything. Monkey arrived on Christmas Eve at 6 p.m. on the dot. That was a fabulous, yet once again bittersweet day all around which, of course, I'll blog about over the next day or few lol It was also a few days of ups & downs that are still unexplained. The arrival of Monkey almost 3 weeks early put our b-day count at 4/5 in one week, the week around Christmas!!
Well, I think that sums up our last year or so. I'll go into detail about some of the stuff up above, as I remembered why I started blogging in the first place. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than therapy LOL
Welcome back to my crazy world of mommyhood on the windy plains of Nebraska... Oh how I've missed you my dear friend Bloggy!!
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