Because I'm blessed (some would laugh) to get to stay home with our kids every single day.
Because I'm not a big liker of pre-packaged food.
Because I'm a month in advance meal planner so I'm saver at the market.
Because I like knowing the ingredients entering my kids bodies are 99% pronounceable.
Because for some reason my boys have hit a semi-picky phase.
Because I have 4 guinea pigs living in my home that like to eat.
Because I love being able to cook and bake and tweak recipes for those guinea pig, semi-picky, little mini me's that we call Princess Hurricane and Monkey!!
Those are just a few reasons why I love being able to cook homemade meals. Yes, I won't lie. There are times when we'll pop a frozen pizza out of the freezer, or buy pre-made things like the flavored Philly cream cheese cooking mixes, or if Phone Guy's home with the kids they might even get to eat out. However, if it's a home day and no mid-day errands need to be ran then 75% of their lunch is homemade, not out of the freezer, etc. Yes, we do the Mac & Cheese thing and other kid food but they're 2 & 4 for pete's sake lol They love corndogs too. However, and this is why I'm blogging this recipe for you today, the hotdog in the middle is consumed but there always seems to be a pile of the corny outside sitting there when they're done. Sound familiar to anyone??
This drove me NUTS, but whenever we'd go to check out at the market there would still be a box or two of corn dogs or better yet corn dog bites in his cart (we split the store when shopping). That, and more and more I was finding I had to de-grease them (no we DO NOT fry anything in our home) before I could get them to the kids. It didn't matter if we baked them, nuked them, or Pizzaz'd them it still had to be done :( So, I knew there had to be a better healthier way. A way to get them to not only eat the hotdog, but get the deliciousness that is the outside. A way that wasn't dripping with grease. After all I had a cake pop maker ($10.00 at WM) and I had a ton of pop sticks ($7.45 for 500 at our little kitchen store) So... here's the solution that my kids (and PG and I) LOVE!! I hope you enjoy my first newly posted recipe as much as we do!
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